

Director of 本科 入学



B.S., Business Administration - bet亚洲365欢迎投注

M.S., School Counseling - Mercy College

What were you involved with on campus as a student?

Many of my colleagues working in the 入学 办公室s around the country were heavily involved in their school’s admission programs (ambassadors, 导游, 等.). I don’t think I ever stepped foot in the 入学 办公室 as a student. My interests in college were more related to my academic interests so I joined the business club and worked closely with faculty in the Business program on projects they were working on. I also played intramural soccer and dabbled in other intramurals to 交朋友. 当我不在学校的时候, you could find me working 30+ hours a week and hanging out with friends from Marist and the other colleges (Vassar, 吟游诗人, 纽约州立大学新帕尔茨分校(SUNY New Paltz).


The dock in front of the boathouse offers one of the best views of campus, and arguably anywhere along the Hudson River. Catching a cool breeze as it races across the Hudson during a warm fall or spring day is unbeatable. My favorite indoor place on campus is the orchestra room in the music section of the Student Center. 经典设计, 暖木色调, and acoustics make it such an inviting space – I could spend hours there. 


Without question, my favorite Marist tradition is the giving tree. 学生, faculty and staff band together every holiday season ensuring families in need have presents for their children. It’s less about the physical act of giving and more about the intentional care for our local community and the collective benefit that comes from thinking about others. In many ways, it’s emblematic of the Marist ideals.  


I have two and they're very different from one another. My first is meeting a famous Australian actor who played a superhero in a number of Marvel movie. I won’t say who, but if you’re dialed into Marvel and pop culture you’ll get it. He was visiting with his family and I ended up spending several hours with them and the different faculty they were meeting with. 这是超现实的! 

My second was offering a full-ride, 学费, room and board scholarship to a student who turned it down. 是的,她拒绝了! I couldn’t understand why and a day later I called her back and we went over the enormous impact this would have on her life and the life of her children, 还有他们的孩子. It turned out she was afraid to accept it and felt she didn’t deserve it. Well, she did deserve it and she did accept it. It’s one of my favorite memories because she is flourishing at Marist and I’m excited to see what she does over the next two years and beyond!

Best advice for the college search:

Socrates was the wisest man in Athens because he was aware of how little he actually knew. 换句话说, he understood that despite all of his knowledge there was so much more that he didn’t know, hadn’t experienced and therefore couldn’t possibly understand. 

There are more than 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States alone. Learn about the ones you haven’t heard of, 和你拥有的一起, and you’ll have a much deeper appreciation of your options. You be better positioned during the application process and will have more confidence when it comes times to select the college you’re going to attend. 


I lived abroad for 13 years and during high school traveled back and forth between New York and Dublin, 爱尔兰每隔一年. Once I settled in New York, I wanted to stay a bit closer to home. 玛丽斯特有很强的学术实力, 很棒的实习选择, excellent resources and everyone I spoke with had nothing but positive things to say. It remains one of the best decision I ever made.

What makes Marist special to you?

大多数人上大学, 交朋友, earn their degree and remain connected to their alma mater through alumni newsletters, 邮件和返校周末. I left Marist for three years after graduating in 2003 and since returning as a staff member, I’ve been fortunate to continue making new friends, developing new connections and welcomed more than 20,000 new Red Foxes to the Marist family. Its been a great place to grow professionally and personally.




伊利诺斯州, 北卡罗莱纳, 纽约(中环), 五指湖区, 哈德逊河谷, 莫霍克河谷, 北方的国家, Southern Tier and Western) South Carolina, 田纳西州






(845) 575 - 3047