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夏天预科: 数字内容创作


夏天预科: 数字内容创作

Session III, July 10 - July 31 (Virtual)

Do you ever wish you could create the images, 电影, and graphics that you see in your favorite games, 电影, 和杂志? Have you ever wanted to make a website so that you could express yourself through the internet, or spread your message to the world? The 数字内容创作 course at bet亚洲365欢迎投注 will take you through the process, 循序渐进的, of learning how to use major industry tools to create these things. You will not only learn how to make your own website, but will also use industry-standard programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere to create graphics, 编辑图片, and make videos that you can use in your digital projects, 或者在社交媒体上分享. Don’t worry if you are not computer savvy, as there is no prior experience necessary. We will help you learn the basics, and get you to the point where you are comfortable bringing your creativity into the digital world.

在这个节目中, you will use Adobe Illustrator to create your own graphics that can be used on websites, 杂志, 你的下一个电子游戏, or just about any other digital platform. You will then learn Adobe Photoshop, to 编辑图片 and photographs so that they are ready for the public eye. Moving on to Adobe Premiere, you will learn how to create and edit videos to add effects, 转换, 文本, and other aspects that will prepare you for your next YouTube hit, 电影, or maybe a fun documentary of your latest vacation with friends and family. 最后, you will learn to make a website where you can share your other creations, or take part in the global conversations that are constantly happening on the internet. All of the Adobe software will be provided by Marist.

Aside from having fun expanding your skills, you will also be learning tools that you can list on your professional resumé. These tools are standard in most digital industries and are required for a number of technology-based careers in fashion, 游戏, 电影, 广告, 还有很多其他的. 更, this class counts as bet亚洲365欢迎投注’s 数字的工具箱 course, a course that is one of the introductory courses for all Communication and Media Studies majors. It also counts as a technical competency course for bet亚洲365欢迎投注 students of all majors. 在整个项目中, students will be given advice for getting a head start on their future professional success.


bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is a highly selective and comprehensive institution noted for its leadership in combining a liberal arts foundation with a professional education. When prospective students visit Marist–our beautiful location on the Hudson River, 一流的设施, the personal attention and expertise of our faculty, and the sheer enjoyment of their experience here–they want to join our community. 在圣母, students get a premium education, develop career-ready skills, 交一辈子的朋友, and graduate as the next generation of leaders ready to tackle a rapidly evolving world.


  • Introduce students to the basic principles of design, editing, and media creation.
  • The program will delve into software, like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere.
  • Students will create a fun online portfolio of digital works to share with others.
  • The program will teach basic image creation, image editing, and website creation.
  • Students will express creativity and gain technical skills even if they have no background in art or computers.

Earn College Credit Over the Summer

Marist 夏天预科 is geared toward 二年级的学生, 高中三年级学生. Upon successful completion of the Summer 数字内容创作 Program, each student will earn three (3) transferable college credits for the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 course COM103L, 数字的工具箱.


$1,500 - Includes optional campus overnight visit at the conclusion of the virtual program
