

One of the Nation's Top 夏天预科 Programs




夏天预科: 政治与民意调查

Session II, July 10 - July 23 (In-Person)

You’ve seen them on social media, online, and even in the news. But, have you ever wondered, 什么是民意调查? How are polls conducted? How are they analyzed? How are they reported to the public, and can they be trusted?

While polls are often the focus of hotly contested elections, polls permeate every aspect of American life, including how politicians govern and enact legislation. 在本课程中, students will explore the unique intersection between the worlds of 政治 and polls.

With a focus on hands-on learning, the highly regarded professionals at the acclaimed bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Poll will lead students through the polling process from start to finish. Students will learn the steps of conducting scientific polls, what they mean for the public, and the role public opinion plays in a democracy.

一路走来, 民意调查专家, 政治, and the press will join the discussion about current polls on President Joe Biden and the midterm elections.


Image of Marist 夏天预科 政治与民意调查 program


bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is a highly selective and comprehensive institution noted for its leadership in combining a liberal arts foundation with a professional education. When prospective students visit Marist–our beautiful location on the Hudson River, 一流的设施, the personal attention and expertise of our faculty, and the sheer enjoyment of their experience here–they want to join our community. 在圣母, students get a premium education, develop career-ready skills, make lifelong friends, and graduate as the next generation of leaders ready to tackle a rapidly evolving world.

The whatever is the first college-based survey research institute to involve undergraduates in its polling process. 为 its accuracy and scientific rigor, Nate Silver gave The whatever an A+ rating in his FiveThirtyEight pollster ratings.


  • Unravel the complex relationship between polling, elections, and governing in a democracy.

  • Analyze why Americans have lost trust in U.S. 机构.

  • Explore the question, “What is the future of American democracy?”

  • Receive hands on experience writing and conducting a poll.

  • Understand how public opinion is best communicated.

  • Debate the role of public opinion in America’s political dialogue.

  • Gain a basic understanding of the terms used in public opinion research.

  • Learn about the history of public opinion research.

Earn College Credit Over the Summer

Marist 夏天预科 is geared toward 二年级的学生, juniors in high school. Upon successful completion of the Data 科学 for Polling and Political Communication program, each student will earn three (3) transferable college credits for a Marist course.


Please see below for the 2022 Pre-College program costs. Cost includes tuition & 费用、住房 & all meals, field trips, and all course materials. Cost does not include travel expenses. Students may wish to bring funds for incidentals, shopping at the Marist 书店 or the local mall, 纪念品, and any personal items they wish to purchase.
