Students talking in front of posters


克里斯汀苦 Image



Academic School

沟通 & 艺术



While pursuing a full-time career with the Coca-Cola Company, 克里斯汀苦 was also looking for a graduate program compatible with her busy work life. That’s where Marist came in. The Integrated Marketing 沟通 Program (IMC) was just what she was seeking. “I reviewed the classes and requirements, as well as doing some research on Marist's history, and I liked what I saw,辛蒂说。.

Bitter notes that one of the highlights of her mostly online Marist graduate journey was finally getting to meet her cohort in person. “We were participating in the program from all over the country but made a real effort to get to know one another early on. That investment paid off, and I cherish our interactions and the opportunity to learn together. I've made it a point to meet several of my classmates during my travels in the last two years. 在圣母, we have very small, close-knit cohort sizes that allow for these personal connections to be made.”

Students in Marist’s IMC Program gain much more than just a diploma, Bitter says. “The IMC coursework covers all marketing disciplines and offers a perspective all marketers need, regardless of any specialty you may be focused on.” These skills carry over into her daily life. “I guest lecture with some regularity at colleges and universities around the country. My experience in grad school has not only given me the opportunity to go deeper into my discipline, but it has allowed me to study various teaching styles and apply some of the techniques that resonated with me. I'm grateful for that.”

The biggest win for her?  “I found myself more confident in emerging technology as a result of my studies in digital media.  I also had to find a real sense of discipline and focus in order to complete my studies while managing an intense workload at Coke. That heightened discipline has expanded my capacity and output, and I'm now accomplishing more during the day.”

When asked what advice she has for graduate students looking for an IMC program, Bitter said “Invest in yourself and invest in your future.  继续学习.”
